Wednesday 21 June 2017


By Prince Hotor Kazi


One of the bases for most claimed relationships is centered on love, more often this concept has been mis-conceptualize with other elements of relationship. Love cannot occur in isolation and as such the required qualification for someone to actually feel love for another is very much an issue.

Most often than not, couples or loved birds who were currently immeasurably in love with each other could fall apart easily if close attention is not paid to the reason they were feeling that way before. This means that to every thing that has to do with interactions between man, there is time validity attached to it. Time here does not necessarily mean measure of the occurrence of an event but has to do with  essence to which the longevity and intensity of the reason to which brought the two parties together.

Love is actually needed in every relationship, even though people can be in relationships successfully without feeling love for each other, it does not disprove the essence of the existence of love in one. To every successful relationship there is a maximum level of coherence, understanding and personal acceptance of situations going in and around the so called relationship.

Understanding together with coherence and personal acceptance in every relationship is an element of trust and respect beyond any external force. Trust issues are problems because even if there is prove that so called victim accused is vindicated by prove, acceptance becomes a problem because an impression from external factors have made it so. People use to say that if you love me you will trust me. I vehemently disagree with this philosophy because the existence of pure love is not the guarantee for trust. Trust comes in when partners refuse to allow external factors plunge into their judgement making them feel the other is either cheating or making fool of them. Love itself is a crazy adventure because it is that which can  affect your vision into seeing reality.

Love and trust are separate entities even though one cannot exist without the other. The lasting nature of love is such that it needs trust to keep it going, without trust love will collapse, love leans for support from trust when trying times come. When external forces strike, love alone cannot sustain itself. Because at that moment, the pain sustained cannot be absorbed by love, love is too fragile to contain such pain and such invidious situations that comes with challenging relationships. Love is ultimate yes! But without trust love alone cant take you through.

Simply put, to trust means having unconditional love, having uncountable reasons to believe and have some level of assurance in your partner and in a long run, having hope for the longevity and change in events for the better.

Someone may decide to quote that the bible speaks against putting your trust in man. Now this issue is of different understanding.....AND I QUOTE "CURSE BE ON THE MAN THAT PUTS HIS TRUST IN ANOTHER MAN" this biblical allusion can be explain accordingly. Now there is FAITH and there is TRUST. To have faith means to believe that someone or something will happen and you see every disadvantage to be a gateway to glory. Now man on earth can never provide you with any reason for you to faith in them because man is gullible and fallible. On the other hand the concept of trust is not of infallibility but of forgiveness and the assurance of the genuineness of ones plea for forgiveness and of the assertion that man is not perfect. The bible speaks very emotionally about the need to love, wont it be so confusing for the same bible to speak against trusting one another when the real meaning of trust is having reason and meaning to continue to love one another. Definitely the word of God does not contradicts itself. To answer this confusion, the main idea was not to put faith in man and not the ordinary trust. You can only have faith in  an infallible, perfect being which is God.

Respect as always said is earned and thus you need to work towards it. Respect is normally induced in a relationship. It is normally not worked for independently, it is secreted by other platforms in check and up running. Respects finds it way in to a relationship when love and trust are in order and are running smoothly.


Secrets of relationships
By Prince Kazi Hotor
One of the interesting social activities of human that sends an electrical shock into the spines of young and upcoming individuals has to do with relationship issues
More so, a lot of young and highly successful expectants are troubled by their relationship life. Some who have little or no idea about this interesting but time and resource sacrificing endeavor tend to loose grip of their own existence....
God in his own infinite wisdom understood the essence of interactions between individuals, especially that which has do with the opposite sex.
The most complex reaction in the social life of individuals has to do with human interaction and thus just like any other thing, its success is dependent on some secret applications that are paramount in the evaluation and testing of its efficiency, lasting potential and even effectiveness.


By Prince Hotor Kazi
There is a school of thought that emphasizes on the power of togetherness and the success of everything when collectiveness in doing things is taken. 
Most often people in relationships rely solely on this philosophy making it difficult for them to make headway. .......
In every relationship, there should be a common goal. ...this however does not mean individual goals should be necessarily the same.
Also, having a successful relationship life does not mean the partners must agree to everything, but rather they should understand each other.
Individualism is very important in identifying oneself and helps one to appreciate his potentials and dreams. Like I wrote earlier, every relationship must have a goal.
Most often people enter into relationships with no prior identification and orientation of what they are made of and what they want to achieve in life....some do have but throw them away because they are desperate to keep the guy or lady.
Mind you, I am not against sacrificing for your relationship, but when it reaches a point where the other partner undermines your goals and even Potentials, then it calls for an alarm.
You should have your own goals and aspirations before entering into a relationship and this obviously makes some clear indications on how prepared you are for that kind of life.
Have self love in whatever you do, your happiness should not be solely dependent on your partner. To be cont......

Friday 18 November 2016


Never give because you need to or have to but give because you want to.There is a purpose to which you do everything in this world,a purpose for striving towards perfection,which is to inherit the kingdom of GOD,the purpose of learning hard in school,which is to pass your there is a reason why you should give aid to people who need it.Now as christian we believe that when one gives from his heart one will receive blessings from God.when a person gives the little he has to benefit another person that makes that person worthy to be blessed by God in  terms of giving.If you give because you have to it gives you no objection or whatsoever,therefore you give alright but not from your heart,making it impossible for you to receive the blessings you need.Give because you want to and that gives you a choice making it an option for you,thereby ensuring that you will give from your heart since you are going to decide before giving out,you therefore give from your heart which in tends fetches blessings for you.


Life existence trawls on the part of accomplishment. In life, everything has an expectancy, and we almost find ways to accomplish them. The problem is with how we go about them.
The ideal recommendation of every life process is determined by the standard to which it must comply to. Meaning, every endeavor or venture by man is successfully completed by providing the requisite standards that apply to them. Most of the time we do things without considering the basis to which we must follow, in getting things done. For instance,when you want to travel to a place by car, there may be several routes one can take. However they all lead you to your destination. The problem here has to do with the mindset that, certain procedures can be ignored and still will be  able to get your destination.The entire completeness of an agenda depends primarily on the basis by which it is carried out.

Friday 4 November 2016


Never give because you need to or have to but give because you want to.There is a purpose to which you do everything in this world,a purpose for striving towards perfection,which is to inherit the kingdom of GOD,the purpose of learning hard in school,which is to pass your there is a reason why you should give aid to people who need it.Now as christian we believe that when one gives from his heart one will receive blessings from God.when a person gives the little he has to benefit another person that makes that person worthy to be blessed by God in  terms of giving.If you give because you have to it gives you no objection or whatsoever,therefore you give alright but not from your heart,making it impossible for you to receive the blessings you need.Give because you want to and that gives you a choice making it an option for you,thereby ensuring that you will give from your heart since you are going to decide before giving out,you therefore give from your heart which in tends fetches blessings for you.